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Help them to live - Fundación Inocente Inocente
2021-12-21 18:32:02

Desarrollo de la página de donaciones de la Fundación Inocente Inocente - Dinsa (Grupo Sermicro)
Sometimes projects, which may seem easy and small, are the ones that generate the most satisfaction and if, in addition, this satisfaction is related to our human side, it is very easy to feel fully satisfied.
Our colleagues from the Dinsa Development team have participated in the development of the donations page of the Inocente Inocente Foundation, a private welfare foundation that carries out activities for the benefit of children in Spain, focusing especially on children who are ill, disabled or at risk of exclusion.
Every year it promotes the gala Inocente, Inocente on television, whose aim is to raise awareness in society and raise funds to support the different needs that these children have. Dinsa, in addition to having made the "landing", will participate, on a voluntary basis, collaborating to make the gala a success, providing support for the proper functioning of the donation portal. Thank you very much to Dinsa and to all of you who help to spread the word about this project.
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Our colleagues from the Dinsa Development team have participated in the development of the donations page of the Inocente Inocente Foundation, a private welfare foundation that carries out activities for the benefit of children in Spain, focusing especially on children who are ill, disabled or at risk of exclusion.
Every year it promotes the gala Inocente, Inocente on television, whose aim is to raise awareness in society and raise funds to support the different needs that these children have. Dinsa, in addition to having made the "landing", will participate, on a voluntary basis, collaborating to make the gala a success, providing support for the proper functioning of the donation portal. Thank you very much to Dinsa and to all of you who help to spread the word about this project.