
©2023 Grupo Sermicro.

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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Value – innovation – efficiency

 New technologies help us rebuild the processes of organizations to adapt them to the future and achieve the so-called “digital transformation” that every company needs. In the Sermicro Group we provide specialized solutions and value services that, applied to specific projects, companies and administrations, generate the necessary technologicalinnovation and facilitate renewal, competitiveness and improved efficiency in processes.
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Smart Cities & IoT

  • Smart Energy: Solução de eficiência energética para a gestão de consumos e processos associados à prestação de serviços aos edifícios.
  • Smart Lockers: Automated Home Smart Package Terminals
  • Governação de topo:  Sistemas de gestão de vídeo de plataforma aberta para analógico e Sistemas e Aplicações de Vigilância por Câmaras IP

Electric Mobility

  • Smart Mobility: Complete electric mobility solution Plug4carconsisting of an intelligent management platform for electric vehicle charging points, mobile apps, physical charging points and complementary services.
  • [SEE MORE]

Big Data

  • Algorithms and analytical models developed for different crops. (Agriculture)
  • Production and quality prediction models. (Agriculture)
  • Models for fraud prevention. (Public administration)
  • Models for the prediction of Claims (Insurance)


  • Information capture services (Drones, Terrestrial Lidar, Satellites)
  • Cartographic rectification ortho system
  • Analysis of geospatial data, development of viewers, applications and predictive models.
  • Fleet location system
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Supply and installation of a solution for recharging electric vehicles with the possibility of using the management software platform and mobile application developed by Dimática Software (company of the Sermicro Group)
Engineering, supply, installation and maintenance of the HomePaq and CityPaq solution.
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Fernando Jiménez

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