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Sermicro Group Recruitment Breakfast Meeting
2021-11-25 10:56:24

The selection of personnel is fundamental in any company, but it becomes one of the most important pillars when we talk about the search for a competitive and valuable team for the execution of an external project, where the technical and personal skills of the candidates are essential to provide the quality and efficiency of service that every customer demands and needs. The Sermicro Group's Recruitment Department carries out this important task of personnel recruitment.
This heterogeneous team, composed of professionals with degrees in various areas and specialised in the search and selection of the most suitable personnel for each type of project (nationally and internationally), held a working breakfast yesterday, where they shared their experiences, their projects and, most importantly, a moment of peace and relaxation in their busy day to day.
Undoubtedly, the recruitment and selection process is very important for a company that integrates solutions and services such as ours, being fundamental for the achievement and execution of the projects and in the achievement of the established objectives, given that the meticulous process of searching for ICT candidates requires a different strategy depending on the type of profile needed.
The great advantage of the Sermicro Group Recruitment Department is that it has a long experience, professionalism and recognized performance, which facilitates that even profiles as demanded as cybersecurity, telecommunications, systems, development, help desk, etc, can be provided, with the guarantee required by customers.
We are very fortunate to have this team!!!
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This heterogeneous team, composed of professionals with degrees in various areas and specialised in the search and selection of the most suitable personnel for each type of project (nationally and internationally), held a working breakfast yesterday, where they shared their experiences, their projects and, most importantly, a moment of peace and relaxation in their busy day to day.
Undoubtedly, the recruitment and selection process is very important for a company that integrates solutions and services such as ours, being fundamental for the achievement and execution of the projects and in the achievement of the established objectives, given that the meticulous process of searching for ICT candidates requires a different strategy depending on the type of profile needed.
The great advantage of the Sermicro Group Recruitment Department is that it has a long experience, professionalism and recognized performance, which facilitates that even profiles as demanded as cybersecurity, telecommunications, systems, development, help desk, etc, can be provided, with the guarantee required by customers.
We are very fortunate to have this team!!!