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Professional Perimeter Cybersecurity and Managed Cybersecurity Services

2022-09-14 11:27:54
Congregación de Centros de Enseñanza
Sermicro Group has won the project for the provision of professional services of perimeter cybersecurity and cyber surveillance for an important Congregation of Educational Centres.
For the proper development of this project it is necessary to complete the following phases:
  • Detailed engineering, to know the IP communications and security architecture and obtain the necessary information from the network to configure the new perimeter protection equipment.
  • Pre-configuration of the new firewall cluster, carrying out the first verification tests and checking that the permitted traffic is carried out and that denied traffic is blocked.
  • Deployment of the SD-RED equipment, coordinating with those responsible for each centre the moment of least impact to carry it out.
  • Final documentation of the project, with a detailed inventory of the installed equipment, topology diagrams, logical architecture, configuration backups, etc.
  • Managed security through the SOC

Additionally, this project includes a managed security service through CYSE's SOC (cybersecurity area of the Sermicro Group), which includes the following tasks:
  • Registration of all the systems to be monitored
  • Initial consultancy for analysis of the most important risks, the potential scope of a threat and the proposal of measures to mitigate these risks.
  • Cyber surveillance from the SOC: event correlation, incident remediation, update management, advanced monitoring, etc.
  • Continuous advice on actions aimed at reducing risks and recommendations for the implementation of technologies that help minimise them.
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